Chapter 4: Cloakwood Forest

Tasloi are here.
Laskal, a druid and protector of Cloakwood, tests your group by telling them he has a message for the leaders of the Iron Throne. When you say you are against the Iron Throne, he tells you their stonghold is east of here.
There are a bunch of evil druids, called shadow druids, both in the map and inside a large tree in the west center of the map, who will attack your group.

In the stonehenge like area west of the map center is Faldorn, a true, neutral, human, female, druid, who will join your group to eliminate the evil Iron Throne from her forest.
In a Wyvern cave found north of the Center of the map is Peter of the North, an evil guy, training small wyverns to guard the Cloakwood mines. Keep talking to Peter and he will attack you.







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Baldurs Gate Walkthrough

There are no large wyverns here. You can only get the heads that Coran is looking for from large wyverns, so you must move on to cloakwood four, map 1700 to solve Coran's quest.
Cloakwood Four, east of Cloakwood Three, map 1700.

Cloakwood 4, map 1700, is east of cloakwood 3. You must cross the bridge from lower right southeast to get to northeast to get to this area. Upon entering this area a video showing Wyverns will be shown. There are hamadryads and wyverns here.
Cloakwood 4: There is a large cave in the southwest which has two adult and three juvenile wyverns.
Cloakwood Mines, east of Cloakwood Four, map 1800.








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Chapter 1-3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5-7